Tips to reduce your carbon footprint
Ever wondered how you can reduce your own carbon footprint? Simple changes in your day-to-day life can help have an impact on reducing your carbon footprint. Read on for tips you can follow.
Around the home
- Switch it off. Turn off the lights when natural light is sufficient and when you leave the room. It’s that simple!
- Climate control. Keep your temperature system on a moderate setting while you’re in the room.
- Wasteful windows. Use your windows wisely. If your climate control system is on, shut them…if you need a little fresh air, turn off the heat or air conditioner.
- Minimise plug load. Cut down the number of appliances you are running, and you will save big on energy. For example, share your minifridge with roommates and minimise the number of printers in your office.
- Phantom power. Did you know that many electronics continue using energy even when powered down? This is true of any charger, television, printer, etc. Use a power strip to easily unplug these electronics when not in use.
- Give it a rest. Power your computer down when you’re away. A computer turned off uses at least 65% less energy than a computer left on or idle on a screen saver.
- Take the stairs. Use the stairs as often as possible. Elevators consume electricity. You, on the other hand, do not.
- Loaded laundry. Only wash full loads of laundry and use the bright colours cycle whenever possible.
- Shorter showers. Try to take shorter showers. The less hot water you use, the less energy is needed to heat the water.
- Change that head. Install a water-efficient shower head and fix dripping taps.
- Switch to CFLs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) use 75% less energy than incandescent and last up to 10 times longer.
- Don’t throw scraps away. Compost food scraps or put them in your food and garden waste bin.
- Reduce your food waste. Plan meals ahead of time, freezing the excess and reusing leftovers.
Other options that can have a greater impact, but may require investment in time or money:
- Install solar panels.
- Look for appliances that are energy efficient (the more stars, the better).
- Insulate your hot water unit and turn it off when you’re away.
- Create a sustainable garden - grow your own vegetables and plant native species.
When shopping
- Buy pre-worn clothes from second-hand shops.
- Bring your own reusable bag when you shop.
- Repair damaged clothing and items before buying new ones.
- Buy local goods.
- Buy foodstuffs in bulk where possible and take your own reusable container to refill.
- Buy less processed food.
- Avoid excessive packaging.
- Make a shopping list and only buy things you really need.
- Conserve paper. Print and copy on two sides, save single-sided pages for notes, and print only what you need.
- Recycle right. Follow packaging guidelines for best action on how to recycle items such as bottles and cans, plastics, glass, office paper, newspaper and cardboard.
- Promote reuse. Donate used cell phones and chargers, furniture, clothing, cleaning and school supplies.
- Ditch the car. Consider walking or riding a bike if the distance is reasonable.
- Use public transport. Jump on a bus or train instead of using your private car. If you have no choice but to use a car, consider carpooling with friends and colleagues or use a rideshare instead of travelling individually.