SEQ's Report Card

Tracking & reporting environmental data for the region

Our region

Report Card

Report Card: 25+ years data on the region

Long-running data driving decisions


Informing action

Decision makers have 25+ years of data on South East Queensland’s environment, thanks to the long running Report Card initiative for the region.
This arms us with amazing baseline data to help inform good decisions:
  • It highlights where more action is needed.
  • It shows where actions are working.
  • It informs best bang for buck spend to prioritise investment across the region.

Why the data is essential

There are a few key things in SEQ which are driving the pace of action needed to protect our beautiful region:
  • Strong population growth: SEQ is one of the Australia’s fastest growing regions. Our region’s incredible biodiversity, climate and liveability had made our region an attractive place for people to live, work and play.  This brings with it the pressures of developing the area to accommodate the additional people, and better using our existing land and existing spaces for more people.
  • Climate change exposed: With more frequent and intense weather events on the cards, our landscapes will increasingly not have the time to recover in the same way it used to. Proactive investment is needed to build our region’s resilience to better withstand the extremes.
  • Biodiversity hotspot: SEQ is one of the most biodiverse regions in Australia.  We are also home to several internationally recognised areas which have been listed as Ramsar and UNESCO sites of significance and protection. We are also conserving many of Australia’s threatened species, while contenting with our growing population and more extreme weather events.
There is limited time and resources to tackle these big issues, which makes having long-term  data essential in tracking what is going on, what benefits best, what needs protection and where to channel the investment for the biggest return for our region (we often refer to the environment as our biggest stakeholder).

Go to the online tool


Check out the Report Card website:

  • Full key messages for the year.
  • Investigate results by catchment:
    • Environmental.
    • Socio-economic.
    • Cultural (new this year).
  • Check out actions and great stories of projects that are delivering results.
  • A range of deeper dive resources.
  • ...and more

How is it funded?

Having access to this essential data is only thanks to the leadership of a team of partners who proactively band together to fund this monitoring and reporting work for the region each year.

As you can imagine, it is tough ask funding a program which gives a scorecard which is not always favorable - especially when there are disaster-scale floods and things outside of your control. 

But these groups across South East Queensland have continued to invest over time, saying that with all the pressures of population growth and climate change on their beautiful and biodiverse areas, it is essential to know what's happening and how best to protect it. This way they can be better armed to fix emerging issues and build resilience into their areas.

We thank each and every one of our Report Card partners for their vision and leadership in making this vital program for the region possible.

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Report Card: document library

If you are not looking to use the online Report Card tool, and would prefer to jump into the written up summaries of the results for the past few years, scroll down to see and download them here. 

Our work in protecting and improving the environment spans the many connected things making up a healthy region's ecosystem.


Healthy Land

The condition, area and extent of arable and grazing lands are important for the supply of food, fi bre and other materials to support the society and economy of the region.


Local landscapes

The quality of life enjoyed by people in the region is supported by access to, and connection with, the unique landscapes of the region. These regional landscapes help to defi ne the region’s character and people’s sense of belonging.


Sustainable urban design

Creating relationships between the natural environment, urban form and structure, economic and institutional processes, and social livelihood. Includes a sought erosion and sediment control program.


Healthy Water

Water resources and riparian areas provide ecosystem services and clean water for human consumption, environmental flows, and recreation, agricultural and industrial use.


Coastal & marine

People of the region are privileged to live near one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world. The natural resources of coastal areas and marine waters are vital to our way of life and are the basis for a valuable international and domestic tourism industry along with commercial and recreational fishing.


Air & atmosphere

Atmosphere, air and climate are natural resources that play a key role in the health of the natural system. Factors such as continued population growth, the number of households and an increasing reliance on motor vehicles pose a threat to future air quality. Maintaining and enhancing the region’s air quality is a key element when considering future land-use options and transport modifications.


Nature conservation

The region has one of the richest diversities of animal and plant species in Australia distributed across a wide range of vegetation types and environments. The provision of all ecosystem services relies on supporting these habitats.



Private landholders manage the majority of the region. A priority is to enhance and maintain the capacity and ability of the community to engage in planning, implementation and monitoring of local actions to achieve regional targets.


First Nations

Recognition of traditional owners as natural resource managers is one of the guiding principles of the SEQ NRM Plan. Traditional owner knowledge and values maintained the region for millennia. A key activity will be to achieve active involvement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in community planning and decision making.

We are protecting one of Australia's most desirable & fastest growing regions.

Supporting the lifestyles, happiness, and well-being of our community
Supporting the lifestyles, happiness, and well-being of our community
Ensuring the priorities for the region are moving with and adapting to the changing environments and supporting communities in the best way possible
Ensuring the priorities for the region are moving with and adapting to the changing environments and supporting communities in the best way possible
Underpinning jobs, livelihoods, and a vibrant economy
Underpinning jobs, livelihoods, and a vibrant economy
Ensuring we remain a destination of choice for our visitors
Ensuring we remain a destination of choice for our visitors
Protecting and enhancing our incredible wildlife and ecosystems
Protecting and enhancing our incredible wildlife and ecosystems
Providing targets to measure the health of our natural resources
Providing targets to measure the health of our natural resources

Healthy Land & Water 
Level 11, 240 Queen St
GPO Box 735
QLD  4001  

Healthy Land and Water Ltd
ABN 91 115 662 989


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