
Our region

NRM Plan current state


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Communities are at the forefront of protecting and restoring areas of environmental significance in SEQ.

  • Community-based natural resource management groups, dedicated volunteers and private landholders contribute time, resources and expertise to plan and implement projects that benefit the whole of society.
  • Maintaining the capacity of these communities is necessary to achieve our goals and will require a steady flow of investment. 

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Community threats and pressures


  • Funding availability.
  • Not enough people effectively engaged in undertaking the work required.
  • Lack of capacity (time, resources, coordination support, skills, and knowledge).
  • Changing demographic in rural residential areas.
  • Lack of awareness and motivation in the wider community.
  • Limited resourcing and activation of citizen science programs. 

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Community current state


  • The number of groups registered with Queensland Water and Land Carers has grown from 96 in 2014 to 153 in 2021, representing well over 30,000 volunteers.
  • Land for Wildlife membership has grown from 3,044 to 4,094 properties in the same period.

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Community priority actions

The following actions will play a critical role in meeting the community targets.

These actions have been identified by the South East Queensland community. These actions are updated regularly in the region's Natural Resource Management Plan, which is managed by Healthy Land & Water on behalf of the region's community.



Support and create processes for the community and various levels of government to work together to develop new and enhance current regional and local land-use planning mechanisms to achieve SEQ NRM Plan targets e.g. ShapingSEQ First Nations Planning Forum.




Support arrangements for sharing knowledge and the improved coordination of NRM planning, investment and action across community, industry and government.




Enhance the awareness and use of planning tools and regulatory structures that promote collaborative action for natural resource management outcomes.




Support and invest in community groups to deliver the actions in this Plan.

Provide extension, workshops and field days that support community groups.

Deliver public activities that increase understanding of the region’s natural assets and the threats they face.

Deliver capacity building programs for improved outcomes in rural residential areas.

Develop and support citizen science programs.

Provide education campaigns on the respectful use of greenspace areas and protecting nature.

Demonstrate the impacts of climate change and agricultural practices on natural amenity, water and nutrient cycles and on plant, soil and water health through monitoring and best practices.


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Community targets


Recognition of previous and existing natural resource managers is one of the guiding principles of the SEQ NRM Plan. The region has a history of voluntary community action supported by industry and government investment. Private landholders manage the majority of the region. A priority is to enhance and maintain the capacity and ability of the community to engage in planning, implementation and monitoring of local actions to achieve regional targets.

Headline target
  • By 2031, natural resource managers, government and non-government organisations will be resourced and working together to implement the SEQ NRM Plan.

Summary of asset targets
  • Community
    Natural resource managers, government and non-government organisations will be resourced and working together to implement the SEQ NRM Plan.
Coastal & marine
Sustainable urban design
Healthy Land
Regional landscapes
Air & atmosphere
First Nations

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GPO Box 735
QLD  4001  

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