Bells Creek and Pumicestone Monitoring Program

Bells Creek and Pumicestone Monitoring Program


Helping Stockland protect the community against potential health risks related to waterways at the Caloundra South Development area.


Hand with glave grabbing a water sampleProviding Stockland with information about the potential health risks associated with waterways in the Caloundra South development area.We are protecting the waterways of Caloundra South Stockland’s development.

This program provides our stakeholders with information about the potential health risks associated with waterways in the area.

It is dedicated to gathering monthly water quality data from five sites located in Bells Creek and Pumicestone Passage.

The project focused on:

  • Monthly water quality data gathering.
  • 5 sites in Bell’s Creek and Pumicestone Passage. 
  • Support monthly environmental reporting to Stockland for the Caloundra South development area.
  • Providing our stakeholders with information about the potential health risks associated with waterways in the area.


What we are doing

Kids playing on the shore at sunsetProviding data on five different sites located in Bell's Creek and Pumicestone Passage. 

With the skills and technology invested into collecting this data, this project involved:

  • Supporting monthly environmental reporting to Stockland for the Caloundra South development area.
  • Providing our stakeholders with information about the potential health risks associated with waterways in the area.
  • These resources align with the national guidelines and are endorsed by Healthy Land & Water members and the Human Health Scientific Expert Panel.


Measuring success

As a result of this project, Stockland received monthly water quality data on 5 sites located in Bell’s Creek and Pumicestone Passage. 


Why this project is important

The standard of waterways in Australia is generally very good and our waterways are suitable for recreational activities most of the time.

However, there is a strong link between rainfall events and the health of our waterways.

Rainfall can wash pollutants into our waterways causing certain areas to become unsuitable for recreation and less profitable from an investment point of view.

Waterway pollution can lead to mild illnesses such as stomach upsets and infections. Use your best judgment and follow our tips to keep safe while enjoying our waterways.


Project snapshot

Project name:  Bells Creek and Pumicestone Passage Monitoring Program
Project manager:  Ben Longstaff, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  Bells Creek & Pumicestone Passage
Timing: 2022 – 2023
Budget: $74,073
Partnerships:  This project was realised through funding from BMT Commercial Australia, dedicated to providing our partners with the best data for decision-making.
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What's next

There is huge potential to build on the successful work.


Project collaborators

This project was realised through funding from BMT Commercial Australia, dedicated to providing our partners with the best data for decision-making.


This project is monitoring the safety of our waterways for one of our stakeholders.


