Recreation is an important part of human life. It connects people to each other and to the natural world and helps us to build a deep appreciation for all the other forms of life we share this planet with. However, we must be careful not to love these special places to death.
Australia’s green spaces, including national parks, conservation reserves and marine protected areas, are under increasing pressure from recreation and tourism. Typical impacts include:
Recreational activities such as hiking, swimming, fishing, boating and four-wheel driving have widespread impacts on wildlife and biodiversity. Disturbance can cause increased stress and changes in behaviour which influence survival, such as decreased foraging and mating. Off-road vehicles and boats can injure or kill animals in their path, spread invasive species or destroy important habitat, such as nesting grounds. Recreational fishing can contribute to overfishing and lost fishing gear, such as nets, pots, crates and floats can harm marine life through ingestion or entanglement.
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