Fire Planning and Preparedness

Fire Planning and Preparedness


Fire planning and preparedness through assessments and plans development.


fire in the bush shapes an S on the groundHelping BCC to identify burning objectives to manage fire risk and fire preparedness.This project aims to support the Brisbane City Council's planning and choosing the best fire mitigation strategies.

Brisbane City Council (BCC) is the largest Local Government in Australia. Amongst the region, significant bushland exists, posing a bushfire risk to communities. The BCC has a team of people who undertake the strategic planning and operational delivery of a program of fire mitigation strategies designed to reduce bushfire hazards and enhance biodiversity.

The Fire Planning and Preparedness Panel is that team. The panel made by Healthy Land & Water’s Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium (QFBC) team, is aimed to provide the Brisbane City Council with appropriate advice and guidance around bushfire risk and planning, through survey works and mapping.

The project focuses on:

  • Overall fuel hazard assessments (field surveys) across several identified reserves,
  • Development of operational fire management plans.
  • Development of Fire Management Plans in a Council-endorsed format.
  • Helping identify burning objectives to manage fire risk and fire preparedness


What we did

plant growing off of burnt vegetationDeveloping operational fire management plans

This involves:

  • Supporting the BCC in managing bushfires on Council land (over 9,000 hectares of bushland across the city) comprised of bushlands, wetlands, waterways, and habitat corridors across a wide range of ecosystems.
  • Undertaking the strategic planning and operational delivery of a program of planned burning and other fire mitigation strategies designed to reduce bushfire hazard and enhance biodiversity.


Measuring success

As a result of the program, fuel hazard assessments will be conducted, and field surveys of the existing fuel loads within burn blocks.

The above will help create a priority strategy for a planned burn program and site risk assessment.

The end goal will be the development of operational fire management plans to capture spatial information relevant to fire planning - to identify burning objectives to manage fire risk and fire preparedness within the area outlined in the plan.


Why this project is important

Amongst the Brisbane City Council (BCC) significant bushland exists, posing a bushfire risk to communities. BCC has a legislated responsibility and duty of care for managing bushfires Council land.

To meet this responsibility, it has a team of people that undertake the strategic planning and operational delivery of a program of planned fire mitigation strategies designed to reduce bushfire hazards and enhance biodiversity.

This panel aims to provide BCC with appropriate advice and guidance around bushfire risk and planning, through survey works and mapping.

The Queensland Fire and Biodiversity (QFBC) team is well-placed as a team of bushfire experts with technical skills in monitoring and fire planning, to be able to provide BCC with best-practice, science-based outcomes that are cognizant of and provide integration of ecological and cultural values.


Project snapshot

Project name:  Fire Planning and Preparedness Panel (Fitzroy)
Project manager:  Rachael Nasplezes, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  Brisbane
Timing: 2022-2024

This project is supported by Healthy Land & Water, through the Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium (QFBC) and funding from the Brisbane City Council.

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Project collaborators

This project is supported by Healthy Land & Water, through the Queensland Fire & Biodiversity Consortium (QFBC) and funding from the Brisbane City Council.

 QFBC    Brisbane City Council logo