Bioretention and Wetland Conceptual Design Training | Loganholme

Bioretention and Wetland Conceptual Design Training | Loganholme

sediment basinFITZY'S LOGANHOLME
Wednesday 5 and Thursday 6 March, 2025 

Water sensitive urban design (WSUD) is an approach to urban planning that integrates the treatment and storage of water into urban landscapes to reduce the impact of stormwater on creeks and rivers.

The conceptual design phase of WSUD is an often overlooked but crucial step in WSUD planning and design. This training workshop, led by WSUD expert Shaun Leinster from Design Flow, will step attendees through the concept design process for bioretention basins and artificial wetland systems.

The training will be specifically tailored for designers (civil and landscape) and development assessment officers involved in the conceptual design and approval of stormwater management strategies. The training will also cover important detailed design items as they relate to conceptual design decisions.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to attend a field trip on the second day to see local examples of bioretention basins and wetlands and discuss learnings onsite.

Wednesday 5 March, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – Training at Fitzy's Function Centre Loganholme.
Thursday 6 March, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm – WSUD field day (Please register your attendance upon checkout).

This event is brought to you by the Water by Design Urban Stormwater and Erosion and Sediment Control Capacity Building program, funded through the Queensland Government’s Investing in Our Environment for the Future Program.
