Grants are available for up to $200,000 for round six of Rural Economic Development Grants
An additional $3.3 million to the $19.2 million already spent, has been made available for the sixth funding round of the Rural Economic Development (RED) Grants Scheme.
Round six expressions of interest (EOI) open on 8 February and close on 28 March 2024.
Rural businesses across Queensland’s primary production sector can now submit an expression of interest for round six of the government’s Rural Economic Development (RED) Grants scheme.
The co-contribution grants are available for up to $200,000 with a 50% cash contribution requirement from applicants to fund projects which provide unique opportunities to generate economic and employment opportunities related to primary production value chains across rural and remote Queensland.
EOIs will close on 28 March 2024. Successful EOIs will be advised by 17 May 2024 and then be invited to submit a full application by 21 June, with final grants awarded from 16 August 2024.
Example projects eligible under the scheme could include:
- Improved business processes where such investment creates employment.
- Training costs and technical support that are project specific.
Check if you are eligible and apply.
This sixth round continues to focus on strengthening primary production sectors, bolstering jobs in rural and regional communities, expanding agricultural supply chains and providing significant economic benefit to rural areas.
Grant funding may be used for:
- Activities such as capital expenditure on buildings, plant and equipment, as well as consumables used for the project.
- Training costs and technical support for specific projects, as well as salary and on-costs for staff and professionals working on activities for the funded project.
The Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) administers the RED Grant scheme on behalf of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries.