Achieving impact

Nature Refuge Landholder Engagement

Nature Refuge Landholder Engagement


Supporting landholders in their commitment to conserve their significant natural resources. 


Tree on a protected area propertyIncreasing landholders' knowledge highlighting actions and resources to assist them in maintaining the ecological character of their properties.This project aims to deliver informative sessions for Nature Refuge Landholders highlighting actions and resources to assist them in maintaining properties and their ecological character. 

Healthy Land & Water is delivering the Nature Refuge Landholder Engagement Workshops within four locations across South East Queensland. These workshops are part of the Queensland Government’s Private Protected Area Program which supports landholders' sustainable land management goals through different initiatives.

The training aimed to increase community resilience, management, awareness, and capacity on different topics from pest and weed to bushfire management.

In addition, Healthy Land & Water participated in 22 nature refuge landholder visits.


The project will focus on:

  • Increasing landholders' resilience, knowledge, management, awareness, and capacity.
  • Informative sessions that highlight actions and resources to maintain properties and their ecological character.
  • Events in 4 separate geographic locations within SEQ.


What we are doing

Peak Crossing workshop Informative sessions to support landholders and land managers. 

The project delivers informative sessions for Nature Refuge Landholders (NRL) highlighting actions and resources to assist them in maintaining properties and their ecological character and will give landholders:

  • Additional skills and knowledge to apply to conservation management at their Nature Refuge.
  • Greater confidence and motivation to manage issues on their Nature Refuge.
  • Connection to the Private Protected Area Program (PPAP) and other landholders facing similar challenges in the region.


Measuring success

The project accomplished:

  • Design and deliver 4 workshops across 4 Natural Resource Management (NRM) regions that facilitate improvement in landholder skills and knowledge.
  • Include topics such as fire, weed, pest animal, and site management.
  • Involve experts including NRM officers, and pest animal and restoration specialists.


Why this project is important

‘Private protected areas’ are internationally recognised as an important part of protected area systems, and in Queensland, are formally represented by special wildlife reserves and nature refuges.

Queensland has the largest private protected area network in Australia with nature refuges accounting for almost a third of Queensland’s total protected area system.

The Private Protected Area Program partners with landholders to support their sustainable land management goals through the establishment of private protected areas, financial assistance programs, and Nature Refuge Landholder Services such as workshops, site visits, and more. 


Project snapshot

Project name:  Nature Refuge Landholder Engagement Workshops
Project manager:  Chelsea Kluske, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment:  Ipswich, Nambour, Samford, Springbrook
Timing: 2023 (Completed)
Budget: $48,936

This initiative was delivered through the Queensland Government’s Private Protected Area Program.


Project collaborators

 This initiative was delivered through the Queensland Government’s Private Protected Area Program.

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