Achieving impact

Hussey Creek Rehabilitation Project

Hussey Creek Rehabilitation Project


Rooting down eroding riverbanks and removing destructive weeds at Hussey Creek.


Hussey CreekWeedy areas could cause erosion issues should heavy rains fall.

Hussey Creek is one of several creeks that flow into the middle section of the Pumicestone Passage. In the past several years, this creek has experienced some significant erosion along its banks from increasing pressures from rising rainfall and changing land use.

This project focuses on the removal and control of the short-rooted weed species that have grown in the bare soil, the revegetation of deep-rooted native plant species, and general maintenance of the designated restoration area.

These actions will allow for the improvement of bank stabilisation and the regrowth of natural vegetation.


What we are doing

Hussey Creek weeds and vegetationShort-rooted weeds on bare soil after a flood event.

Rivers and creeks move over time. Unfortunately, extreme weather events could lead to fast-flowing waters that carve chunks out of farmland, taking the good topsoil with the flow and depositing it in the Pumicestone Passage where it can never be recovered.

The process of rooting down the creeks’ banks to limit this erosion includes:

  • Restoring 3 hectares of riparian zones.
  • Weed removal and replacement with native species.
  • Ongoing monitoring of the site for revegetation success and weed removal progress.
  • Documentation of weed species taking hold in the restoration area.


Measuring success

  • Stabilise the creekbank of Hussey Creek to decrease the movement of the creek across the landscape.
  • Increase the amount and variety of native species along the creek bank.
  • Decrease harmful weeds that hinder local fauna and decrease the grazing values of the land.


Why this project is important

Sediment load in the Pumicestone Passage is an issue in Pumicestone Passage, with fine sediment contributing to the mud expansion in Moreton Bay, as well as the water health of the west-facing shores of Bribie Island.

Pumicestone Passage also holds significant cultural and commercial values, including commercial ocean beach mullet fishery, among hosting habitats for other commercial fish.

This project manages the erosion of a section of Hussey Creek bank, which aids in decreasing the sediment load of the water running into the Pummicestone Passage, as well as protects the borders of nearby property.


Project snapshot

Project name: Hussey Creek Rehabilitation Project
Project manager: Chelsea Kluske, Healthy Land & Water
Catchment: Pumicestone
Timing: June 2021 – June 2023 (Completed)
Budget: $30,000

Some key project collaborators include the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Trust for Nature, and North Coast Local Land Services (NSW).

This project is supported by Healthy Land & Water through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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What's next

There is huge potential to build on the successful work.


Project collaborators

This project is part of the Queensland Government Department of Environment and Science, Queensland Trust for Nature, and North Coast Local Land Services (NSW)'s ongoing efforts to improve the water quality of the Pummicestone Passage.

